Young Woman Leaders Program –Work Placement
Project title: Young Woman Leaders Program –Work Placement
Donor: UNRWA
Thematic Programme: Woman Support and Empowerment Program
target group: ” Young women and fresh graduates “.
Implementation period: 10 months 1/2/2015 – 30/11/2015
Due to the ongoing blockade and high rates of unemployment, this project aims to enhance the employment opportunities for 500 young female graduates in Gaza Strip to improve their access to work opportunities in the labor market and foster their knowledge and skills gained in the university which will benefit the graduates in their communities. Moreover, the work placement also supports the private sector development in Gaza Strip. The Work placement is divided into 3 phases providing a total number of 500 graduates with a monthly stipend of 100 USD for each graduate.
Overall objective:
The overall objective of the project is to empower female university graduates through fostering their skills and abilities making them employable individuals for the labor market while at the same time supporting the private sector and economy of Gaza.
Specific objectives:
- To select qualified project staff.
- To make all coordination and arrangements in order to carry out the project effectively and efficiently.
- To select the companies and CBOs which are ready to take the YWLP participants in job placement
- To equip the participants with the names of their work Placement that match the requirement of job market.
- To monitor the commitment of the graduates during work placement.
- To assess the impact of job placements scheme, orientation working days and small scale projects on female graduates and to measure to what extent these interventions have achieved its goals.
- To report about the project activities and financial transactions.
- Announce advertisement on PCDCR’s website about the project vacancies.
- In coordination with UNRWA, Conduct interviews with candidates.
- Sign contracts with selected staff.
- Design project work plan including method of selecting graduates, companies and CBOs, logistical arrangements-transportation and hospitality.
- CBOs and Companies that are ready and have willingness to take the YWLP participants in job placement.
- Distributed all over Gaza Strip governorates.
- Distribute YWLP participants on the selected companies and CBOs.
- Discussing with the managers of companies and CBOs the achievements of the graduates and their new skills.
- Prepare a narrative report. a report after each phase detailing feedback and evaluation of work placement.