Fund History Of Pcdcr

Project Delivery Program Partner Target Group(s) Location(s) Start date End date Amount in US $ Fund Source
Response to psychosocial distress and violence against children in and post emergency in the Gaza Strip. Children, caregivers Gaza Strip 18/09/2015 18/03/2016 3,113,869 ILS UNICEF
Young Women Leaders Programme (YWLP)- work placement CBOs, Companies and organizations Young women and fresh graduates Gaza Strip 13/07/2015 13/02/2016 $177,300 UNRWA
Youth for Social Peace ------- University students, high school students, youth, stakeholders, political parties. Gaza Strip and West Bank 01/02/2015 31/01/2016 $48,000 NED
Justice for juveniles in Gaza Juveniles, probation officers, JJ stakeholders and actors. Gaza Strip 01/06/2015 31/12/2015 66,000 NIS TDH
CRG-CRC Monitoring and Implementation-"I protect my right" SCI Children Gaza Strip 01/01/2015 31/12/2015 $14,699 NORAD
Micro-emergency fund "Improve IDPs well-being through responding to their needs for 149 families" ---- Displaced people after the war in 2014 Gaza Strip 01/09/2015 31/10/2015 $9,710 Save the Children
Psychosocial support for conflict and societal violence affected children SCI Children and parents Gaza Strip 01/03/2015 30/11/2015 $160,117.2 Save Children-UK
OPT PAL 14/0013: Child Rights at the centre SCI Children Gaza Strip 01/01/2015 30/06/2015 $23,661 Government of Norway Ministry of Foreign Affairs-MoFA
Reducing child protection risks in OPT SCI Children and parents Gaza Strip 01/03/2015 31/12/2015 $96,002 SCD and DANIDA
Towards a society free of violence against women ------------- Women Gaza Strip/west-bank 01/01/2015 31/12/2015 $167,685 NPA
Promotion and improvement of housing, land and property rights for women in the Gaza Strip. NRC Women Gaza Strip 01/01/2015 31/12/2015 $70,284 EIDHR
Young Women Leaders Programme (YWLP) CBOs Young women and fresh graduates Gaza Strip 01/02/2015 30/11/2015 $88,440 UNRWA
Towards a more responsive justice system in the Gaza Strip "Estijaba" ---- Juveniles (males-females), women, vulnerable detainees, fresh law graduates, Gaza Strip 01/01/2015 31/12/2015 $60,000 UNDP
Shelter rapid assessment (data collection and entry) ---- Beneficiaries who received assistance from NRC during the storm on Jan 2014 Gaza Strip 15/01/2014 21/01/2014 $1,500 NRC
Capacity development and Awareness Raising SCI Children, CBOs interested in child rights. Gaza Strip 10/11/2014 30/12/2014 $20,000 Save the children Sweden
PSS support and resilience activities (post war intervention) SCI Children, women Gaza Strip 01/09/2014 30/06/2015 $149,990 Save the Children Various Donors/ General Funds
Safe educational environment for children in schools and communities. ----- Children, caregivers, teachers. Gaza Governorate 01/02/2014 31/12/2014 4000 Euro Tamer association.
Alleviating psychical and humiliating punishment in the Gaza Strip+ amendment SCI Parents Gaza Strip 01/07/2014 31/01/2015 $52,290 SIDA
Partnership for community-led action for resilience and livelihoods. SCI Parents, children, social workers, teachers, community workers. Gaza Strip 01/07/2014 31/12/2015 68,617.5 Euro German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development-BMZ
Advance step towards social peace Students factions, high school students, political leaders, governmental actors. Gaza Strip and Wes Bank. 01/02/2014 31/01/2015 $48,200 NED
Psychosocial support for children in most vulnerable communities in the Gaza Strip in OPT. ------ Children Gaza Strip 01/07/2014 01/09/2014 $8,200 SCI
Psychosocial support for conflict and societal violence affected children SCI Children and their caregivers Gaza Strip 01/05/2014 31/12/2014 126,711.79 Euro SC Italy
Justice for juveniles in Gaza ------ Juveniles, probation officers, JJ stakeholders and actors. Gaza Strip 01/06/2014 31/12/2014 $20,000 TDH
Emergency psychosocial support teams in Gaza UNICEF Children and their caregivers Gaza Strip 15/09/2014 14/02/2015 NIS 353,857 European Commission Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO)
Mainstreaming Social Accountability in municipalities in Gaza Strip Life and Hope Association & BUNIAN Association for training, evaluation and community studies. Gaza Strip 12/05/2014 15/02/2015 36,000 Euro GIZ
Reducing child protection risks in the oPt. --------- 480 Children and 480 their caregivers-10 Counselors Gaza Strip 01/03/2014 31/12/2014 $103,942 SCI
Civic participation program “effectiveness of minimum wages law –private sector” -------- Private sector West Bank 13/03/2014 31/08/2014 129,657 NIS CRS-USAID
Towards a society free of violence against women ------------- Women Gaza Strip/west-bank 01/01/2014 31/12/2014 $ 189,976 NPA
Improve access to essential healthcare services and emergency intervention for the poorest children and their families in the Gaza Strip and child protection in vulnerable Palestinian communities. SCI Children Gaza Strip 01/11/2013 30/09/2014 $163,440 DFATD (Canada)
Open days and recreational activities -------- Children Khanyounis and Gaza City 01/01/2014 28/02/2014 $9,000 Save children international
Promotion and improvement of housing, land and property rights for women in the Gaza Strip. NRC Women Gaza Strip 01/01/2014 31/12/2014 $84,469 EIDHR
Civic participation program “Active citizenship for activating procedures of consumer protection” second year CRS Members of feminist organizations, all public, representatives of consumer protecting organizations, merchants. West Bank governorates Hebron, Ramallah, Jericho, Bethlehem, Tubas. 01/11/2013 31/07/2014 285,049.5 NIS USAID
Information, Counselling and Legal Assistance (ICLA) in the Gaza Strip NRC Women Gaza Strip 01/12/2013 31/12/2013 $6,000 DFID
Information, Counselling and Legal Assistance (ICLA) in the Gaza Strip NRC Women Gaza Strip 01/11/2013 30/11/2013 $6,000 Department for International Development- DFID
Information, Counselling and Legal Assistance (ICLA) in the Gaza Strip NRC Women Gaza Strip 01/10/2013 31/10/2013 $6,600 Department for International Development- DFID
Protective environment for children from sexual abuse ---- Children and their families Gaza Strip and West Bank (Nablus, Tolkarem, Jenin, Qalkeliah) 01/01/2014 31/12/2015 Euro 508,778 EU
Emergency Assistance to marginalized affected area of the last storm in Gaza Northern Governorates Deutsche Gesellscaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Families in affected area of the last storm Gaza Northern Governorates 16/12/2013 15/03/2014 NIS 239,000 Federal Republic of Germany
Child protection unit "Core Fund" Save the children Sweden Children Gaza Strip 01/01/2013 31/12/2014 $95,990 SIDA
Alleviating physical and humiliating punishment in the Gaza Strip. "Positive discipline" --- Children Gaza Strip 01/07/2013 31/12/2013 $7,710 Save the children international
Psychosocial and emergency support teams in Gaza UNICEF Children and their caregivers Gaza Strip 01/07/2013 28/02/2014 NIS 2,037,138 European Commission Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO)
Building resilience and empowerment among children and youth in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). SCI Children and their caregivers Gaza Strip 01/02/2013 31/12/2013 Euro 113,260 Save the children Denmark DANIDA
Children protection rapid assessment in GS. -------- Children Gaza Strip 01/02/2013 28/02/2013 $5,830 SCI
Self Help Self Heal IMC Adults and children affected by conflict in buffer zones, community mobilizers, service providers and IMC staff. Gaza Strip 1/1/6/2013 15/12/2013 $12,450 EU
Justice for Juveniles in Gaza Juveniles in Rabee center, community leaders, formal and informal stakeholders, Pos. Gaza 01/06/2013 01/12/2013 $19,985 TDH
Social accountability in the Palestinian territory. ---------- Municipalities El Maghazi and Rafah 10/04/2013 30/04/2014 NIS 98,864 GIZ
Building resilience among conflict affected children and their families in the Gaza Strip. SCI Children and their families Gaza Strip 01/04/2013 30/06/2013 161,178.56 ILS Save the children-UK
Child protection teams -------- 31710 Children and 10500 caregivers-386 professionals Gaza Strip 01/01/2013 30/06/2013 NIS 1,701,199.38 UNICEF
Recreational activities ---------------- Mentally ill clients and their families Gaza Strip 01/02/2013 30/06/2013 $56,000 IMC
Young Women Leaders Programme (YWLP) CBOs Young women Gaza Strip 01/02/2013 30/11/2013 $65,710 UNRWA
Domestic violence awareness-raising in the community CBOs Men, women, families Gaza Strip 15/02/2013 15/08/2013 $39,420 UNRWA
Powerful oversight leads to better justice ------ Gaza Strip 01/03/2013 31/08/2013 $40,898 UNDP
Towards a society free of violence against women ------------- Women Gaza Strip/west-bank 01/01/2013 31/12/2013 $ 198,043 NPA
Youth resilience /protecting child in conflict with the law and in the institutional care centers ------------- Children/technical and management staff of institutional care centers Gaza Strip 01/01/2013 31/03/2013 $9,850 Save children international
Social peace after five years of divide is still possible . mokhtars, lawyers, police officers, imams, women, academics, journalists, political party leaders, and victims of the political divide Gaza Strip 01/02/2013 31/01/2014 $58,300 NED
Recreational activities for people with chronic mental illness and their families. CBOs People with chronic mental illness and their families Gaza Strip 21/06/2012 31/12/2012 $46,400 International medical corps
Information, Counselling and Legal Assistance (ICLA) in the Gaza Strip NRC Women Gaza Strip 01/10/2012 30/09/2013 $82,994 European Commission/EIDHR
Civic participation program “Active citizenship for activating procedures of consumer protection”. CRS Members of feminist organizations, all public, representatives of consumer protecting organizations, merchants. West Bank-Nablus, Tulkarem, Jenin, Qalqelyah, Salfet 01/10/2012 31/08/2013 394,277.79 NIS USAID
Child protection teams 7400 Children and 5500 caregivers - 488 professionals Gaza Strip 01/05/2012 31/12/2012 1,386,326.42 NIS UNICEF
Building resilience and empowerment among children and youth in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). Save the children international in the occupied Palestinian authority Children and their caregivers Gaza Strip 01/05/2012 31/12/2012 102,100 Euro Save the children Denmark from DANIDA
Violence against children-"protecting children through school based and community based mechanisms". Save the children Sweden Children, teachers, counselors, parents Gaza Strip 01/02/2012 31/12/2012 NIS 232,064 Save the children international
Legal aid for women in need in GS NRC Women, men, courts, Mokhtars Gaza Strip 01/04/2012 30/09/2012 $41, 322 Norwegian ministry of foreign affairs
Towards a society free of violence against women ------------- Women Gaza Strip/west-Bank 01/01/2012 31/12/2012 $199,515 NPA
Civil society alliance for social peace mokhtars, lawyers, police officers, imams, women, academics, journalists, political party leaders, and victims of the political divide Gaza strip and West Bank 01/02/2012 31/01/2013 $ 57,800 NED
Protecting the rights of Palestinian children under armed conflict in the Gaza Strip Children and caregivers Gaza Strip 01/08/2011 31/12/2011 240,794 NIS Save the children Sweden
Legal aid for women in need in GS Women, men, courts, Mokhtars Gaza Strip 01/08/2011 31/03/2012 57,545$ NRC
Organization of ENPI 2011 Information Sessions and Workshop NGOs Gaza Strip/west-bank 30/06/2011 29/06/2012 19000 euro EU
Organization of EIDHIR-CBSS 2011 Information Sessions and Workshop NGOs Gaza Strip/west-bank 06/06/2011 05/06/2013 17900 euro EU
JUSTICE FOR ALL Lawyers, law graduates, police, syndicates, prosecutors, CBOs, youth groups, mokhtars Gaza Strip 01/07/2011 30/06/2012 199,654$ UNDP
Child protection team Children and caregivers Gaza Strip 01/05/2011 29/02/2012 3,914,207 NIS UNICEF
Civic Participation Program-“ Active citizenship for adopting Minimum Wage Law (MWL(“ NGOs Gaza Strip/west-bank 01/04/2011 31/03/2012 93,882.26 $ CRS / USAID
Improving Palestinian community awareness and ability to address gender issues. A'aesha association for women and children Children, parents, initiatives' coordinators in UNRWA schools Gaza Strip 01/02/2011 01/04/2012 $40,000 UN-Women
Consultative Seminar with the civil society on Human rights NGOs Gaza Strip/west-bank 25/03/2011 25/07/2011 9500 euro EU
Family Centers --------------- Counselors in family centers Gaza Strip 01/01/2011 31/03/2011 NIS 16,800 Save the Children Sweden
Violence against women ------------- Women Gaza Strip/west-bank 01/01/2011 31/12/2011 $221,950 NPA
Together for National Reconciliation ------------- mokhtars, lawyers, police officers, imams, women, academics, journalists, political party leaders, and victims of the political divide.-9000 children from 4-12 years old-500 offended children-10,000 caregivers-500 KGs teachers-25 CBOs-40 newly graduates-100 FCs members-70 C/IMCs members Gaza Strip/west-bank 01/02/2011 31/01/2012 $69,000 NED
School Contest to Promote Traffic Safety Chemonics International Citizens in targeted areas Nablus,Tolkarem, Jenin, Jericho and Hebron governorates. 15/09/2010 30/06/2011 $90,806.75 the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Child Protection Teams 2010 - Children ,caregivers 5 governorates of Gaza 01/06/2010 31/12/2010 NIS 4,602,253.56 UNICEF
Child Protection Teams 2009-2010 - Children ,caregivers 5 governorates of Gaza 16/10/2009 16/02/2010 NIS 3,330,760.12 UNICEF
Supporting widows and orphans of martyrs -------- widows and orphans of martyrs Gaza Strip 01/07/2010 31/08/2010 $21,475 Welfare Association
Child protection teams UNICEF Children and caregivers Gaza Strip 22/06/2010 25/01/2011 NIS 4,602,254 EU
Field studies to improve social services provided ----- Recently graduated, all the community Gaza Strip 15/03/2010 15/07/2010 $3,078 IRD
Atfaluna Amaluna World Vision Children and Caregivers Gaza strip 10/03/2010 28/02/2011 410,300 $ USAID - ARD
Remedial education and child protection based on community Save Children 10th and 11th grade students Al-qarara and Khaza'a 01/03/2010 31/12/2010 211,402.55 € Italian-Cooperation
Gaza Strip Early Childhood Development Education Support and Kindergarten Rehabilitation ACTED Preschool aged children and their mothers Gaza, North Gaza 01/04/2010 30/10/2010 $24,456 USAID-ARD
Women work for social peace ----- Conflict parties, women activists, and local Palestinian society Gaza Strip/west-bank 01/02/2010 31/01/2011 $82,000 NED
Violence against women ------ Women Gaza Strip/west-Bank 01/01/2010 31/12/2010 $222,000 NPA
Minimizing Illiteracy threats on children in Gaza ------ Children and caregivers Gaza Strip 16/12/2009 14/12/2011 Euro 439,535 The European Union represented by European Commission
Streamlined and Transparent MOI Civil Services Chemonics International Citizens in targeted areas Bethlehem, Hebron, Tulkarem and Nablus governorates 10/12/2009 09/07/2010 $ 45,221 the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Emergency child friendly spaces in different locations in Gaza. Save children federation, Inc. Children and caregivers Gaza 01/10/2009 31/10/2009 $41,974 SIDA HUM
Emergency child friendly spaces in different locations in Gaza. Save children federation, Inc. Children and caregivers Gaza 01/10/2009 31/10/2009 $33,970 SC UK
Emergency child friendly spaces in different locations in Gaza. Save children federation, Inc. Children and caregivers Gaza 01/10/2009 31/10/2009 $39,168 Norway
Protecting the rights of Palestinian children under armed conflict in the Gaza Strip Save Children Sweden Children and caregivers Gaza Strip 01/05/2009 30/06/2011 € 217,389 EC
Democratic forums --- Mokhtars, academic, youth, university students, and others categories Gaza Strip 28/05/2009 03/09/2009 $12,840 USAID / ARD
Childhood protection based on community Save Children Children and caregivers Al-Qararh, Khuzaa'h 01/05/2009 31/12/2009 € 137,933 Italian Cooperation
Child protection teams-2009 - Children, adolescents, caregivers Gaza Strip 17/03/2009 16/09/2009 NIS 5,638,047 UNICEF
Alleviation of the psychosocial stress of children and young people in Gaza - Children, adolescents, caregivers Gaza Strip 15/01/2009 15/02/2009 $19,830 UNICEF
Emergency child friendly spaces in Gaza - Children North Gaza 01/02/2009 31/07/2009 $147,509 Save Children
Violence against women - Women Gaza Strip/west-bank 01/01/2009 31/12/2009 $163,820 NPA
Community Based Reconciliation -------- Conflict parties in the Palestinian society Gaza Strip and West Bank 01/02/2009 01/01/2010 $84,800 NED
Emergency psychosocial support for children in crisis in North Gaza 6 KGs in North Gaza Preschool aged children and their mothers North Gaza 01/02/2009 01/05/2009 $18,070 World Vision
Safe Area for Emergency Education in the Gaza Strip Save Children-Sweden School students, teachers, caregivers Um Al Nasser, Burij, Al Qarara, Al Shouka 01/11/2008 30/09/2009 $340,463 SIDA
Youth Saving Education Local CBOs in middle and north Gaza Students' females and males in schools Middle and north Gaza 01/10/2008 01/09/2009 $74,067 Save children-Nassej
Psychosocial support to pre-school aged children and their caregivers in the Gaza Strip CRIC kindergarten’s Teachers, Children, Caregivers Gaza Strip 01/07/2008 15/09/2009 Euro 27,557 ECHO
Child Protection Teams 2008-2009 - Children ,caregivers 5 governorates of Gaza 01/06/2008 30/07/2008 $654,529 UNICEF
Child Protection Teams 2008-2009 - Children ,caregivers 5 governorates of Gaza 01/05/2008 30/06/2008 $185,611 UNICEF
Stakeholders and Decision Makers - population segments and levels in the Gaza Strip Gaza Strip 23/03/2008 23/06/2008 $13,255 DAI.BAYAN
Violence Against Women Local NGOs and CBOs in Gaza Women Gaza Strip/west-bank 01/01/2008 31/12/2008 $161.710 NPA
Peace education for the children in the kindergarten - kindergarten’s Teachers Gaza Strip 12/09/2007 28/02/2008 Euro 6392 CRIC
Hosting the training of the Childhood protection network Ministry of Social Affairs Members of childhood protection network Gaza Strip 01/11/2007 30/04/2008 21,335$ UNICEF
Support toll free line/Activating Toll free for women victims of violence - Women Gaza Strip 01/12/2007 30/04/2008 52,609.5$ UNIFEM
Psychosocial Support for women in need in Gaza Strip - Women Gaza Strip 01/12/2007 30/11/2008 $100,012.50 UNIFEM
Community Based Child Protection Emergency in Gaza Strip, Al-Qrara, and Al-Shouka. - Children Gaza Strip 01/11/2007 15/01/2008 $36,739.45 Save Children-Sweden
National Reconciliation Campaign - Conflict parties in the Palestinian society Gaza Strip /West Bank 01/10/2007 30/09/2008 $79,900 National Endowment for Democracy
WB Moderate Voices and Views - Journalists, intellectuals youth, women men, moderate leaders West Bank 02/08/2007 13/09/2007 $12,181 USAID- Office of Transitional Initiatives
Gaza Moderate Voices and Views - Journalists, intellectuals youth, women men, moderate leaders Gaza Strip 02/08/2007 09/10/2007 $8,133.5 USAID- Office of Transitional Initiatives
Face the legislator Women General Federation - Centers of Women Activity - Sharek -- Palestinian development forum Legislative Board members Gaza 01/05/2007 01/08/2007 $28,865.50 DAI.BAYAN
Child Protection Teams (N0.4) UNICEF Children, Caregivers Gaza Strip 01/04/2007 01/03/2008 $1,118,400 EC
Half a Million Against Domestic Violence - Adults Gaza, West Bank 21/03/2007 15/05/2007 $ 66,395 USAID- Office of Transitional Initiatives
Community Based childhood Protection Save the Children Federation Children, Caregivers South Gaza (Elshoukah) 01/02/2007 01/08/2007 $ 39,985 Sweden government
Support and Empowerment To Women Who are victims of Violence Women General Federation- Centers of Women Activity - Universities Women Who are victims of Violence, society Gaza, West Bank 01/01/2007 31/12/2007 $ 150,000 Norwegian People's AID
Woman Protection Team - Women Who are victims of Violence West Bank 01/12/2006 01/12/2007 $128,184.216 European Commission
Assessing Windows of Opportunity for Positive Chang for Palestine - Adults Gaza, West Bank 01/12/2006 01/01/2007 $12,112 USAID- Office of Transitional Initiatives
Woman Coalition against gender-based violence Women General Federation - Centers of Women Activity- Women unit in the mend commissions Women, Men, Society Gaza Strip 01/10/2006 01/01/2007 $ 28,591 Tamkeen
Mobilizing Police and Community for Protection and Development Ministry of Interior Police men Gaza, West Bank 01/10/2006 01/09/2007 $ 75,000 National Endowment for Democracy
Emergency-Response in Gaza Child Protection teams in the front line(3) UNICEF Children Gaza Strip 25/09/2006 25/12/2006 $ 305,900 ECHO
Emergency-Response in Gaza Child Protection Teams in the front line (2) UNICEF Children, Caregivers Gaza Strip 20/07/2006 20/09/2006 $ 203, 972. 50 ECHO
Facilitating Public & Government Cooperation for Violence-free Disengagement (extension) - Women-Men Gaza, West Bank 01/08/2006 01/07/2006 $ 58,460 USAID- Office of Transitional Initiatives
Child Protection Teams UNICEF Children Gaza Strip 01/04/2006 31/03/2007 $ 871,030 ECHO
Increase Citizen Participation in the Municipal Decision Making Process Bait Lahia municipality - Elborej municipality- Bnesehelah municipality Municipalities, Society Gaza/West Bank 01/12/2005 30/11/2006 $133,247.36 European Commission
Citizens Participation in Local Democratic Government Bait Hanoon Athletic Club Youth North Gaza 01/09/2005 30/08/2006 $ 59,406 Middle Eastern Partnership Initiative
Strengthening cooperation between police and the community for democracy Ministry of Interior Police men Gaza, West Bank 01/10/2005 30/09/2006 $75,000 National Endowment for Democracy
Protection Activities for Adolescents aged 14-17 years(4) UNICEF Adolescents Gaza 01/09/2005 01/12/2005 $ 167,000 ECHO
Community-based Psychosocial Intervention Save the Children Federation Children South Gaza 01/06/2005 01/05/2006 $ 101,099 USAID
Childhood Protection Teams(3) UNICEF Children Gaza 01/05/2005 01/05/2006 $537,600 EUCO
Strengthening Public Participation in Decision-making & Policy Development for Local Councils - Youth Nablus 01/03/2005 01/07/2006 $40,059 TAMKEEN
Promoting voter participation and candidates’ forums in support of Municipalities participating in the 2nd round of local elections /Nablus and Tulkarem Governorates - Women, Young people, new voter West Bank 16/03/2005 14/05/2006 $21,200 TAMKEEN
Public & Government Cooperation for Disengagement Info Campaign - Society Gaza, West Bank 8/ 8/2005- 07/12/2005 $ 98,300 USAID- Office of Transitional Initiatives
Al-Basma project for psychosocial support - Children, Caregivers West Bank 01/01/2005 01/08/2005 $ 60,900 Welfare Association
Supporting Candidates for Local Governance Elections I - Society West Bank-Tolkarem 01/12/2004 01/12/2005 $10,000 TAMKEEN
TV & Radio Journalists Training in Common Ground Talk-show Facilitation Academy for Educational Development Journalist, programs producer Gaza 01/12/2004 01/12/2005 $101,697 USAID
Student Government Project Academy for Educational Development Schools students Gaza, Nablus 01/10/2004 01/10/2005 $183,834 USAID
Democracy, Human Rights & Conflict Resolution Project Universities, PR unit in the police Police men, Psychology students Gaza, West Bank 01/10/2004 01/09/2005 $45,000 National Endowment for Democracy
Strengthening PCDCR Operations in the Fields of Governance &Democratization International Expert Section. Municipalities of Bait Forek, Bait Lahia, Elzahra, Elgarara Citizens, Local community Gaza, West Bank 01/10/2004 01/09/2005 Euro 72,721 Representative Office of Netherlands to PA
Strengthening PCDCR Operations in the Fields of Governance & Conflict Resolution Family courts Legal arbitrators - Moktar & resolving members- Shareaa arbitrators- Women arbitrators in social problems- Youth political actives- Law department students Gaza, West Bank 01/10/2004 01/09/2005 NIS 1,972,222 Representative Office of Netherlands to PA
Emergency Response Psychosocial Team(1) UNICEF Children Gaza 01/09/2004 01/09/2005 $125,380 ECHO
Drama-based Psychosocial Support for Disabled Children UNRWA Schools Children Gaza 01/07/2004 01/03/2005 $33,000 Medical Aid for Palestinians-UK
Helping Children & Caregivers Cope with Stresses of War(2) UNICEF Children Gaza 01/06/2004 01/12/2004 $99,585 ECHO
Empowering & Activating Youth in the Reform Process in Palestinian Institutions - Youth Nablus 01/04/2004 01/07/2004 $17,071 TAMKEEN
Empowering Women in Legislation & Political Participation - Women Nablus 01/12/2003 01/11/2004 $124,000 Westminster Foundation for Democracy
Promoting Conflict Resolution, Democracy & Dialogue at Universities of Gaza & Nablus Universities Islamic, Alazhar, Alaqsa, Nablus Spirited of political blocks Gaza, Nablus 01/11/2003 01/11/2004 $20,000 Representative Office of Switzerland to PA
Democracy, Peace-building & Conflict Resolution Universities, PR unit in the police Police men, Psychology students Gaza, West Bank 01/10/2003 01/09/2004 $55,000 National Endowment for Democracy
Psychosocial Support to Stressed Children UNRWA Schools Children Gaza 01/06/2003 01/01/2004 $21,000 Medical Aid for Palestinians-UK
Strengthening of Institutional Capacity Project Universities Universities students Gaza, West Bank 01/06/2003 01/06/2004 $34,500 Joyce-Mertz Gilmore Foundation
Empowering Women in Understanding Legislative Process & Increasing Capacity for Political Participation - Women Nablus 01/04/2003 01/04/2004 $20,400 Federal Assistance Award- American Consulate
Classroom-based Intervention for Psychosocial Support Save the Children Federation Adolescents Gaza 01/02/2003 01/01/2004 $106,257 USAID
Youth Parliament Project - Youth Nablus 01/12/2002 01/12/2003 $25,087 Academy for Educational Development
Peer Mediation - Schools students Gaza 01/12/2002 01/12/2003 $ 54,965 Academy for Educational Development
Develop & Strengthen the Core & Program of PCHRCD Universities Managers and board members in the civil society institutions Gaza 01/10/2002 01/09/2003 $55,000 National Endowment for Democracy
Program for Psychosocial Support in Gaza Governorate(1) UNICEF Children Gaza 01/09/2002 01/07/2003 $39,110 ECHO
Family Service Toll-free Number - Families, local community Gaza 01/04/2002 01/09/2003 $9,600 UNICEF
Community-based Psychosocial Support Save the Children Federation Children Gaza 01/02/2002 01/05/2003 $ 99,999 USAID
Strengthen & Develop PCHRCD Universities The civil society institutions Gaza, West Bank 01/11/2001 01/10/2002 $30,000 Joyce-Mertz Gilmore Foundation
Strengthen & Develop PCHRCD Universities, PR unit in the police Police men, universities students Gaza, West Bank 01/10/2001 01/09/2002 $50,000 National Endowment for Democracy
Psychosocial Support by TV Program - Children Gaza 01/01/2001 01/04/2001 $1,000 Secretariat of National Plan of Action for Palestinian Children
Strengthen & Develop PCHRCD Universities Universities students Gaza, West Bank 01/10/2000 01/09/2001 $58,000 National Endowment for Democracy
Training in Conflict Resolution for Young Political Activists - Young, Political Activists Gaza 01/10/2000 01/10/2001 ₤ 15,300 Westminster Foundation for Democracy
Promoting Tolerance, Conflict Resolution & Basic Human Rights in UNRWA Schools - School's students Gaza 01/09/2000 01/05/2001 $70,000 UNRWA
Family Service Program Family courts, court judges Guides, Service providers of social issues, Families, local community Gaza, West Bank 01/09/2000 01/12/2003 Euro 863,497 Representative Office of Netherlands to PA
UNRWA Peer Mediation Program - School's students Gaza 01/01/2000 01/11/2002 $95,990 UNRWA
Peer Mediation Program in Secondary Schools - School's students Gaza 01/12/1999 01/12/2000 $15,861 Academy for Educational Development
Develop & Strengthen PCHRCD Universities Universities students, managers of CBOs Gaza, West Bank 01/11/1999 01/10/2000 $ 30,000 Joyce-Mertz Gilmore Foundation
Strengthen & Develop PCHRCD Universities Universities students, managers of CBOs Gaza, West Bank 01/10/1998 01/11/1999 $30,000 Joyce-Mertz Gilmore Foundation
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