Fund History Of Pcdcr
Project Delivery Program | Partner | Target Group(s) | Location(s) | Start date | End date | Amount in US $ | Fund Source |
Response to psychosocial distress and violence against children in and post emergency in the Gaza Strip. | Children, caregivers | Gaza Strip | 18/09/2015 | 18/03/2016 | 3,113,869 ILS | UNICEF | |
Young Women Leaders Programme (YWLP)- work placement | CBOs, Companies and organizations | Young women and fresh graduates | Gaza Strip | 13/07/2015 | 13/02/2016 | $177,300 | UNRWA |
Youth for Social Peace | ------- | University students, high school students, youth, stakeholders, political parties. | Gaza Strip and West Bank | 01/02/2015 | 31/01/2016 | $48,000 | NED |
Justice for juveniles in Gaza | Juveniles, probation officers, JJ stakeholders and actors. | Gaza Strip | 01/06/2015 | 31/12/2015 | 66,000 NIS | TDH | |
CRG-CRC Monitoring and Implementation-"I protect my right" | SCI | Children | Gaza Strip | 01/01/2015 | 31/12/2015 | $14,699 | NORAD |
Micro-emergency fund "Improve IDPs well-being through responding to their needs for 149 families" | ---- | Displaced people after the war in 2014 | Gaza Strip | 01/09/2015 | 31/10/2015 | $9,710 | Save the Children |
Psychosocial support for conflict and societal violence affected children | SCI | Children and parents | Gaza Strip | 01/03/2015 | 30/11/2015 | $160,117.2 | Save Children-UK |
OPT PAL 14/0013: Child Rights at the centre | SCI | Children | Gaza Strip | 01/01/2015 | 30/06/2015 | $23,661 | Government of Norway Ministry of Foreign Affairs-MoFA |
Reducing child protection risks in OPT | SCI | Children and parents | Gaza Strip | 01/03/2015 | 31/12/2015 | $96,002 | SCD and DANIDA |
Towards a society free of violence against women | ------------- | Women | Gaza Strip/west-bank | 01/01/2015 | 31/12/2015 | $167,685 | NPA |
Promotion and improvement of housing, land and property rights for women in the Gaza Strip. | NRC | Women | Gaza Strip | 01/01/2015 | 31/12/2015 | $70,284 | EIDHR |
Young Women Leaders Programme (YWLP) | CBOs | Young women and fresh graduates | Gaza Strip | 01/02/2015 | 30/11/2015 | $88,440 | UNRWA |
Towards a more responsive justice system in the Gaza Strip "Estijaba" | ---- | Juveniles (males-females), women, vulnerable detainees, fresh law graduates, | Gaza Strip | 01/01/2015 | 31/12/2015 | $60,000 | UNDP |
Shelter rapid assessment (data collection and entry) | ---- | Beneficiaries who received assistance from NRC during the storm on Jan 2014 | Gaza Strip | 15/01/2014 | 21/01/2014 | $1,500 | NRC |
Capacity development and Awareness Raising | SCI | Children, CBOs interested in child rights. | Gaza Strip | 10/11/2014 | 30/12/2014 | $20,000 | Save the children Sweden |
PSS support and resilience activities (post war intervention) | SCI | Children, women | Gaza Strip | 01/09/2014 | 30/06/2015 | $149,990 | Save the Children Various Donors/ General Funds |
Safe educational environment for children in schools and communities. | ----- | Children, caregivers, teachers. | Gaza Governorate | 01/02/2014 | 31/12/2014 | 4000 Euro | Tamer association. |
Alleviating psychical and humiliating punishment in the Gaza Strip+ amendment | SCI | Parents | Gaza Strip | 01/07/2014 | 31/01/2015 | $52,290 | SIDA |
Partnership for community-led action for resilience and livelihoods. | SCI | Parents, children, social workers, teachers, community workers. | Gaza Strip | 01/07/2014 | 31/12/2015 | 68,617.5 Euro | German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development-BMZ |
Advance step towards social peace | Students factions, high school students, political leaders, governmental actors. | Gaza Strip and Wes Bank. | 01/02/2014 | 31/01/2015 | $48,200 | NED | |
Psychosocial support for children in most vulnerable communities in the Gaza Strip in OPT. | ------ | Children | Gaza Strip | 01/07/2014 | 01/09/2014 | $8,200 | SCI |
Psychosocial support for conflict and societal violence affected children | SCI | Children and their caregivers | Gaza Strip | 01/05/2014 | 31/12/2014 | 126,711.79 Euro | SC Italy |
Justice for juveniles in Gaza | ------ | Juveniles, probation officers, JJ stakeholders and actors. | Gaza Strip | 01/06/2014 | 31/12/2014 | $20,000 | TDH |
Emergency psychosocial support teams in Gaza | UNICEF | Children and their caregivers | Gaza Strip | 15/09/2014 | 14/02/2015 | NIS 353,857 | European Commission Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO) |
Mainstreaming Social Accountability in municipalities in Gaza Strip | Life and Hope Association & BUNIAN Association for training, evaluation and community studies. | Gaza Strip | 12/05/2014 | 15/02/2015 | 36,000 Euro | GIZ | |
Reducing child protection risks in the oPt. | --------- | 480 Children and 480 their caregivers-10 Counselors | Gaza Strip | 01/03/2014 | 31/12/2014 | $103,942 | SCI |
Civic participation program “effectiveness of minimum wages law –private sector” | -------- | Private sector | West Bank | 13/03/2014 | 31/08/2014 | 129,657 NIS | CRS-USAID |
Towards a society free of violence against women | ------------- | Women | Gaza Strip/west-bank | 01/01/2014 | 31/12/2014 | $ 189,976 | NPA |
Improve access to essential healthcare services and emergency intervention for the poorest children and their families in the Gaza Strip and child protection in vulnerable Palestinian communities. | SCI | Children | Gaza Strip | 01/11/2013 | 30/09/2014 | $163,440 | DFATD (Canada) |
Open days and recreational activities | -------- | Children | Khanyounis and Gaza City | 01/01/2014 | 28/02/2014 | $9,000 | Save children international |
Promotion and improvement of housing, land and property rights for women in the Gaza Strip. | NRC | Women | Gaza Strip | 01/01/2014 | 31/12/2014 | $84,469 | EIDHR |
Civic participation program “Active citizenship for activating procedures of consumer protection” second year | CRS | Members of feminist organizations, all public, representatives of consumer protecting organizations, merchants. | West Bank governorates Hebron, Ramallah, Jericho, Bethlehem, Tubas. | 01/11/2013 | 31/07/2014 | 285,049.5 NIS | USAID |
Information, Counselling and Legal Assistance (ICLA) in the Gaza Strip | NRC | Women | Gaza Strip | 01/12/2013 | 31/12/2013 | $6,000 | DFID |
Information, Counselling and Legal Assistance (ICLA) in the Gaza Strip | NRC | Women | Gaza Strip | 01/11/2013 | 30/11/2013 | $6,000 | Department for International Development- DFID |
Information, Counselling and Legal Assistance (ICLA) in the Gaza Strip | NRC | Women | Gaza Strip | 01/10/2013 | 31/10/2013 | $6,600 | Department for International Development- DFID |
Protective environment for children from sexual abuse | ---- | Children and their families | Gaza Strip and West Bank (Nablus, Tolkarem, Jenin, Qalkeliah) | 01/01/2014 | 31/12/2015 | Euro 508,778 | EU |
Emergency Assistance to marginalized affected area of the last storm in Gaza Northern Governorates | Deutsche Gesellscaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) | Families in affected area of the last storm | Gaza Northern Governorates | 16/12/2013 | 15/03/2014 | NIS 239,000 | Federal Republic of Germany |
Child protection unit "Core Fund" | Save the children Sweden | Children | Gaza Strip | 01/01/2013 | 31/12/2014 | $95,990 | SIDA |
Alleviating physical and humiliating punishment in the Gaza Strip. "Positive discipline" | --- | Children | Gaza Strip | 01/07/2013 | 31/12/2013 | $7,710 | Save the children international |
Psychosocial and emergency support teams in Gaza | UNICEF | Children and their caregivers | Gaza Strip | 01/07/2013 | 28/02/2014 | NIS 2,037,138 | European Commission Humanitarian Aid department (ECHO) |
Building resilience and empowerment among children and youth in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). | SCI | Children and their caregivers | Gaza Strip | 01/02/2013 | 31/12/2013 | Euro 113,260 | Save the children Denmark DANIDA |
Children protection rapid assessment in GS. | -------- | Children | Gaza Strip | 01/02/2013 | 28/02/2013 | $5,830 | SCI |
Self Help Self Heal | IMC | Adults and children affected by conflict in buffer zones, community mobilizers, service providers and IMC staff. | Gaza Strip | 1/1/6/2013 | 15/12/2013 | $12,450 | EU |
Justice for Juveniles in Gaza | Juveniles in Rabee center, community leaders, formal and informal stakeholders, Pos. | Gaza | 01/06/2013 | 01/12/2013 | $19,985 | TDH | |
Social accountability in the Palestinian territory. | ---------- | Municipalities | El Maghazi and Rafah | 10/04/2013 | 30/04/2014 | NIS 98,864 | GIZ |
Building resilience among conflict affected children and their families in the Gaza Strip. | SCI | Children and their families | Gaza Strip | 01/04/2013 | 30/06/2013 | 161,178.56 ILS | Save the children-UK |
Child protection teams | -------- | 31710 Children and 10500 caregivers-386 professionals | Gaza Strip | 01/01/2013 | 30/06/2013 | NIS 1,701,199.38 | UNICEF |
Recreational activities | ---------------- | Mentally ill clients and their families | Gaza Strip | 01/02/2013 | 30/06/2013 | $56,000 | IMC |
Young Women Leaders Programme (YWLP) | CBOs | Young women | Gaza Strip | 01/02/2013 | 30/11/2013 | $65,710 | UNRWA |
Domestic violence awareness-raising in the community | CBOs | Men, women, families | Gaza Strip | 15/02/2013 | 15/08/2013 | $39,420 | UNRWA |
Powerful oversight leads to better justice | ------ | Gaza Strip | 01/03/2013 | 31/08/2013 | $40,898 | UNDP | |
Towards a society free of violence against women | ------------- | Women | Gaza Strip/west-bank | 01/01/2013 | 31/12/2013 | $ 198,043 | NPA |
Youth resilience /protecting child in conflict with the law and in the institutional care centers | ------------- | Children/technical and management staff of institutional care centers | Gaza Strip | 01/01/2013 | 31/03/2013 | $9,850 | Save children international |
Social peace after five years of divide is still possible . | mokhtars, lawyers, police officers, imams, women, academics, journalists, political party leaders, and victims of the political divide | Gaza Strip | 01/02/2013 | 31/01/2014 | $58,300 | NED | |
Recreational activities for people with chronic mental illness and their families. | CBOs | People with chronic mental illness and their families | Gaza Strip | 21/06/2012 | 31/12/2012 | $46,400 | International medical corps |
Information, Counselling and Legal Assistance (ICLA) in the Gaza Strip | NRC | Women | Gaza Strip | 01/10/2012 | 30/09/2013 | $82,994 | European Commission/EIDHR |
Civic participation program “Active citizenship for activating procedures of consumer protection”. | CRS | Members of feminist organizations, all public, representatives of consumer protecting organizations, merchants. | West Bank-Nablus, Tulkarem, Jenin, Qalqelyah, Salfet | 01/10/2012 | 31/08/2013 | 394,277.79 NIS | USAID |
Child protection teams | 7400 Children and 5500 caregivers - 488 professionals | Gaza Strip | 01/05/2012 | 31/12/2012 | 1,386,326.42 NIS | UNICEF | |
Building resilience and empowerment among children and youth in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). | Save the children international in the occupied Palestinian authority | Children and their caregivers | Gaza Strip | 01/05/2012 | 31/12/2012 | 102,100 Euro | Save the children Denmark from DANIDA |
Violence against children-"protecting children through school based and community based mechanisms". | Save the children Sweden | Children, teachers, counselors, parents | Gaza Strip | 01/02/2012 | 31/12/2012 | NIS 232,064 | Save the children international |
Legal aid for women in need in GS | NRC | Women, men, courts, Mokhtars | Gaza Strip | 01/04/2012 | 30/09/2012 | $41, 322 | Norwegian ministry of foreign affairs |
Towards a society free of violence against women | ------------- | Women | Gaza Strip/west-Bank | 01/01/2012 | 31/12/2012 | $199,515 | NPA |
Civil society alliance for social peace | mokhtars, lawyers, police officers, imams, women, academics, journalists, political party leaders, and victims of the political divide | Gaza strip and West Bank | 01/02/2012 | 31/01/2013 | $ 57,800 | NED | |
Protecting the rights of Palestinian children under armed conflict in the Gaza Strip | Children and caregivers | Gaza Strip | 01/08/2011 | 31/12/2011 | 240,794 NIS | Save the children Sweden | |
Legal aid for women in need in GS | Women, men, courts, Mokhtars | Gaza Strip | 01/08/2011 | 31/03/2012 | 57,545$ | NRC | |
Organization of ENPI 2011 Information Sessions and Workshop | NGOs | Gaza Strip/west-bank | 30/06/2011 | 29/06/2012 | 19000 euro | EU | |
Organization of EIDHIR-CBSS 2011 Information Sessions and Workshop | NGOs | Gaza Strip/west-bank | 06/06/2011 | 05/06/2013 | 17900 euro | EU | |
JUSTICE FOR ALL | Lawyers, law graduates, police, syndicates, prosecutors, CBOs, youth groups, mokhtars | Gaza Strip | 01/07/2011 | 30/06/2012 | 199,654$ | UNDP | |
Child protection team | Children and caregivers | Gaza Strip | 01/05/2011 | 29/02/2012 | 3,914,207 NIS | UNICEF | |
Civic Participation Program-“ Active citizenship for adopting Minimum Wage Law (MWL(“ | NGOs | Gaza Strip/west-bank | 01/04/2011 | 31/03/2012 | 93,882.26 $ | CRS / USAID | |
Improving Palestinian community awareness and ability to address gender issues. | A'aesha association for women and children | Children, parents, initiatives' coordinators in UNRWA schools | Gaza Strip | 01/02/2011 | 01/04/2012 | $40,000 | UN-Women |
Consultative Seminar with the civil society on Human rights | NGOs | Gaza Strip/west-bank | 25/03/2011 | 25/07/2011 | 9500 euro | EU | |
Family Centers | --------------- | Counselors in family centers | Gaza Strip | 01/01/2011 | 31/03/2011 | NIS 16,800 | Save the Children Sweden |
Violence against women | ------------- | Women | Gaza Strip/west-bank | 01/01/2011 | 31/12/2011 | $221,950 | NPA |
Together for National Reconciliation | ------------- | mokhtars, lawyers, police officers, imams, women, academics, journalists, political party leaders, and victims of the political divide.-9000 children from 4-12 years old-500 offended children-10,000 caregivers-500 KGs teachers-25 CBOs-40 newly graduates-100 FCs members-70 C/IMCs members | Gaza Strip/west-bank | 01/02/2011 | 31/01/2012 | $69,000 | NED |
School Contest to Promote Traffic Safety | Chemonics International | Citizens in targeted areas | Nablus,Tolkarem, Jenin, Jericho and Hebron governorates. | 15/09/2010 | 30/06/2011 | $90,806.75 | the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) |
Child Protection Teams 2010 | - | Children ,caregivers | 5 governorates of Gaza | 01/06/2010 | 31/12/2010 | NIS 4,602,253.56 | UNICEF |
Child Protection Teams 2009-2010 | - | Children ,caregivers | 5 governorates of Gaza | 16/10/2009 | 16/02/2010 | NIS 3,330,760.12 | UNICEF |
Supporting widows and orphans of martyrs | -------- | widows and orphans of martyrs | Gaza Strip | 01/07/2010 | 31/08/2010 | $21,475 | Welfare Association |
Child protection teams | UNICEF | Children and caregivers | Gaza Strip | 22/06/2010 | 25/01/2011 | NIS 4,602,254 | EU |
Field studies to improve social services provided | ----- | Recently graduated, all the community | Gaza Strip | 15/03/2010 | 15/07/2010 | $3,078 | IRD |
Atfaluna Amaluna | World Vision | Children and Caregivers | Gaza strip | 10/03/2010 | 28/02/2011 | 410,300 $ | USAID - ARD |
Remedial education and child protection based on community | Save Children | 10th and 11th grade students | Al-qarara and Khaza'a | 01/03/2010 | 31/12/2010 | 211,402.55 € | Italian-Cooperation |
Gaza Strip Early Childhood Development Education Support and Kindergarten Rehabilitation | ACTED | Preschool aged children and their mothers | Gaza, North Gaza | 01/04/2010 | 30/10/2010 | $24,456 | USAID-ARD |
Women work for social peace | ----- | Conflict parties, women activists, and local Palestinian society | Gaza Strip/west-bank | 01/02/2010 | 31/01/2011 | $82,000 | NED |
Violence against women | ------ | Women | Gaza Strip/west-Bank | 01/01/2010 | 31/12/2010 | $222,000 | NPA |
Minimizing Illiteracy threats on children in Gaza | ------ | Children and caregivers | Gaza Strip | 16/12/2009 | 14/12/2011 | Euro 439,535 | The European Union represented by European Commission |
Streamlined and Transparent MOI Civil Services | Chemonics International | Citizens in targeted areas | Bethlehem, Hebron, Tulkarem and Nablus governorates | 10/12/2009 | 09/07/2010 | $ 45,221 | the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) |
Emergency child friendly spaces in different locations in Gaza. | Save children federation, Inc. | Children and caregivers | Gaza | 01/10/2009 | 31/10/2009 | $41,974 | SIDA HUM |
Emergency child friendly spaces in different locations in Gaza. | Save children federation, Inc. | Children and caregivers | Gaza | 01/10/2009 | 31/10/2009 | $33,970 | SC UK |
Emergency child friendly spaces in different locations in Gaza. | Save children federation, Inc. | Children and caregivers | Gaza | 01/10/2009 | 31/10/2009 | $39,168 | Norway |
Protecting the rights of Palestinian children under armed conflict in the Gaza Strip | Save Children Sweden | Children and caregivers | Gaza Strip | 01/05/2009 | 30/06/2011 | € 217,389 | EC |
Democratic forums | --- | Mokhtars, academic, youth, university students, and others categories | Gaza Strip | 28/05/2009 | 03/09/2009 | $12,840 | USAID / ARD |
Childhood protection based on community | Save Children | Children and caregivers | Al-Qararh, Khuzaa'h | 01/05/2009 | 31/12/2009 | € 137,933 | Italian Cooperation |
Child protection teams-2009 | - | Children, adolescents, caregivers | Gaza Strip | 17/03/2009 | 16/09/2009 | NIS 5,638,047 | UNICEF |
Alleviation of the psychosocial stress of children and young people in Gaza | - | Children, adolescents, caregivers | Gaza Strip | 15/01/2009 | 15/02/2009 | $19,830 | UNICEF |
Emergency child friendly spaces in Gaza | - | Children | North Gaza | 01/02/2009 | 31/07/2009 | $147,509 | Save Children |
Violence against women | - | Women | Gaza Strip/west-bank | 01/01/2009 | 31/12/2009 | $163,820 | NPA |
Community Based Reconciliation | -------- | Conflict parties in the Palestinian society | Gaza Strip and West Bank | 01/02/2009 | 01/01/2010 | $84,800 | NED |
Emergency psychosocial support for children in crisis in North Gaza | 6 KGs in North Gaza | Preschool aged children and their mothers | North Gaza | 01/02/2009 | 01/05/2009 | $18,070 | World Vision |
Safe Area for Emergency Education in the Gaza Strip | Save Children-Sweden | School students, teachers, caregivers | Um Al Nasser, Burij, Al Qarara, Al Shouka | 01/11/2008 | 30/09/2009 | $340,463 | SIDA |
Youth Saving Education | Local CBOs in middle and north Gaza | Students' females and males in schools | Middle and north Gaza | 01/10/2008 | 01/09/2009 | $74,067 | Save children-Nassej |
Psychosocial support to pre-school aged children and their caregivers in the Gaza Strip | CRIC | kindergarten’s Teachers, Children, Caregivers | Gaza Strip | 01/07/2008 | 15/09/2009 | Euro 27,557 | ECHO |
Child Protection Teams 2008-2009 | - | Children ,caregivers | 5 governorates of Gaza | 01/06/2008 | 30/07/2008 | $654,529 | UNICEF |
Child Protection Teams 2008-2009 | - | Children ,caregivers | 5 governorates of Gaza | 01/05/2008 | 30/06/2008 | $185,611 | UNICEF |
Stakeholders and Decision Makers | - | population segments and levels in the Gaza Strip | Gaza Strip | 23/03/2008 | 23/06/2008 | $13,255 | DAI.BAYAN |
Violence Against Women | Local NGOs and CBOs in Gaza | Women | Gaza Strip/west-bank | 01/01/2008 | 31/12/2008 | $161.710 | NPA |
Peace education for the children in the kindergarten | - | kindergarten’s Teachers | Gaza Strip | 12/09/2007 | 28/02/2008 | Euro 6392 | CRIC |
Hosting the training of the Childhood protection network | Ministry of Social Affairs | Members of childhood protection network | Gaza Strip | 01/11/2007 | 30/04/2008 | 21,335$ | UNICEF |
Support toll free line/Activating Toll free for women victims of violence | - | Women | Gaza Strip | 01/12/2007 | 30/04/2008 | 52,609.5$ | UNIFEM |
Psychosocial Support for women in need in Gaza Strip | - | Women | Gaza Strip | 01/12/2007 | 30/11/2008 | $100,012.50 | UNIFEM |
Community Based Child Protection Emergency in Gaza Strip, Al-Qrara, and Al-Shouka. | - | Children | Gaza Strip | 01/11/2007 | 15/01/2008 | $36,739.45 | Save Children-Sweden |
National Reconciliation Campaign | - | Conflict parties in the Palestinian society | Gaza Strip /West Bank | 01/10/2007 | 30/09/2008 | $79,900 | National Endowment for Democracy |
WB Moderate Voices and Views | - | Journalists, intellectuals youth, women men, moderate leaders | West Bank | 02/08/2007 | 13/09/2007 | $12,181 | USAID- Office of Transitional Initiatives |
Gaza Moderate Voices and Views | - | Journalists, intellectuals youth, women men, moderate leaders | Gaza Strip | 02/08/2007 | 09/10/2007 | $8,133.5 | USAID- Office of Transitional Initiatives |
Face the legislator | Women General Federation - Centers of Women Activity - Sharek -- Palestinian development forum | Legislative Board members | Gaza | 01/05/2007 | 01/08/2007 | $28,865.50 | DAI.BAYAN |
Child Protection Teams (N0.4) | UNICEF | Children, Caregivers | Gaza Strip | 01/04/2007 | 01/03/2008 | $1,118,400 | EC |
Half a Million Against Domestic Violence | - | Adults | Gaza, West Bank | 21/03/2007 | 15/05/2007 | $ 66,395 | USAID- Office of Transitional Initiatives |
Community Based childhood Protection | Save the Children Federation | Children, Caregivers | South Gaza (Elshoukah) | 01/02/2007 | 01/08/2007 | $ 39,985 | Sweden government |
Support and Empowerment To Women Who are victims of Violence | Women General Federation- Centers of Women Activity - Universities | Women Who are victims of Violence, society | Gaza, West Bank | 01/01/2007 | 31/12/2007 | $ 150,000 | Norwegian People's AID |
Woman Protection Team | - | Women Who are victims of Violence | West Bank | 01/12/2006 | 01/12/2007 | $128,184.216 | European Commission |
Assessing Windows of Opportunity for Positive Chang for Palestine | - | Adults | Gaza, West Bank | 01/12/2006 | 01/01/2007 | $12,112 | USAID- Office of Transitional Initiatives |
Woman Coalition against gender-based violence | Women General Federation - Centers of Women Activity- Women unit in the mend commissions | Women, Men, Society | Gaza Strip | 01/10/2006 | 01/01/2007 | $ 28,591 | Tamkeen |
Mobilizing Police and Community for Protection and Development | Ministry of Interior | Police men | Gaza, West Bank | 01/10/2006 | 01/09/2007 | $ 75,000 | National Endowment for Democracy |
Emergency-Response in Gaza Child Protection teams in the front line(3) | UNICEF | Children | Gaza Strip | 25/09/2006 | 25/12/2006 | $ 305,900 | ECHO |
Emergency-Response in Gaza Child Protection Teams in the front line (2) | UNICEF | Children, Caregivers | Gaza Strip | 20/07/2006 | 20/09/2006 | $ 203, 972. 50 | ECHO |
Facilitating Public & Government Cooperation for Violence-free Disengagement (extension) | - | Women-Men | Gaza, West Bank | 01/08/2006 | 01/07/2006 | $ 58,460 | USAID- Office of Transitional Initiatives |
Child Protection Teams | UNICEF | Children | Gaza Strip | 01/04/2006 | 31/03/2007 | $ 871,030 | ECHO |
Increase Citizen Participation in the Municipal Decision Making Process | Bait Lahia municipality - Elborej municipality- Bnesehelah municipality | Municipalities, Society | Gaza/West Bank | 01/12/2005 | 30/11/2006 | $133,247.36 | European Commission |
Citizens Participation in Local Democratic Government | Bait Hanoon Athletic Club | Youth | North Gaza | 01/09/2005 | 30/08/2006 | $ 59,406 | Middle Eastern Partnership Initiative |
Strengthening cooperation between police and the community for democracy | Ministry of Interior | Police men | Gaza, West Bank | 01/10/2005 | 30/09/2006 | $75,000 | National Endowment for Democracy |
Protection Activities for Adolescents aged 14-17 years(4) | UNICEF | Adolescents | Gaza | 01/09/2005 | 01/12/2005 | $ 167,000 | ECHO |
Community-based Psychosocial Intervention | Save the Children Federation | Children | South Gaza | 01/06/2005 | 01/05/2006 | $ 101,099 | USAID |
Childhood Protection Teams(3) | UNICEF | Children | Gaza | 01/05/2005 | 01/05/2006 | $537,600 | EUCO |
Strengthening Public Participation in Decision-making & Policy Development for Local Councils | - | Youth | Nablus | 01/03/2005 | 01/07/2006 | $40,059 | TAMKEEN |
Promoting voter participation and candidates’ forums in support of Municipalities participating in the 2nd round of local elections /Nablus and Tulkarem Governorates | - | Women, Young people, new voter | West Bank | 16/03/2005 | 14/05/2006 | $21,200 | TAMKEEN |
Public & Government Cooperation for Disengagement Info Campaign | - | Society | Gaza, West Bank | 8/ 8/2005- | 07/12/2005 | $ 98,300 | USAID- Office of Transitional Initiatives |
Al-Basma project for psychosocial support | - | Children, Caregivers | West Bank | 01/01/2005 | 01/08/2005 | $ 60,900 | Welfare Association |
Supporting Candidates for Local Governance Elections I | - | Society | West Bank-Tolkarem | 01/12/2004 | 01/12/2005 | $10,000 | TAMKEEN |
TV & Radio Journalists Training in Common Ground Talk-show Facilitation | Academy for Educational Development | Journalist, programs producer | Gaza | 01/12/2004 | 01/12/2005 | $101,697 | USAID |
Student Government Project | Academy for Educational Development | Schools students | Gaza, Nablus | 01/10/2004 | 01/10/2005 | $183,834 | USAID |
Democracy, Human Rights & Conflict Resolution Project | Universities, PR unit in the police | Police men, Psychology students | Gaza, West Bank | 01/10/2004 | 01/09/2005 | $45,000 | National Endowment for Democracy |
Strengthening PCDCR Operations in the Fields of Governance &Democratization International Expert Section. | Municipalities of Bait Forek, Bait Lahia, Elzahra, Elgarara | Citizens, Local community | Gaza, West Bank | 01/10/2004 | 01/09/2005 | Euro 72,721 | Representative Office of Netherlands to PA |
Strengthening PCDCR Operations in the Fields of Governance & Conflict Resolution | Family courts | Legal arbitrators - Moktar & resolving members- Shareaa arbitrators- Women arbitrators in social problems- Youth political actives- Law department students | Gaza, West Bank | 01/10/2004 | 01/09/2005 | NIS 1,972,222 | Representative Office of Netherlands to PA |
Emergency Response Psychosocial Team(1) | UNICEF | Children | Gaza | 01/09/2004 | 01/09/2005 | $125,380 | ECHO |
Drama-based Psychosocial Support for Disabled Children | UNRWA Schools | Children | Gaza | 01/07/2004 | 01/03/2005 | $33,000 | Medical Aid for Palestinians-UK |
Helping Children & Caregivers Cope with Stresses of War(2) | UNICEF | Children | Gaza | 01/06/2004 | 01/12/2004 | $99,585 | ECHO |
Empowering & Activating Youth in the Reform Process in Palestinian Institutions | - | Youth | Nablus | 01/04/2004 | 01/07/2004 | $17,071 | TAMKEEN |
Empowering Women in Legislation & Political Participation | - | Women | Nablus | 01/12/2003 | 01/11/2004 | $124,000 | Westminster Foundation for Democracy |
Promoting Conflict Resolution, Democracy & Dialogue at Universities of Gaza & Nablus | Universities Islamic, Alazhar, Alaqsa, Nablus | Spirited of political blocks | Gaza, Nablus | 01/11/2003 | 01/11/2004 | $20,000 | Representative Office of Switzerland to PA |
Democracy, Peace-building & Conflict Resolution | Universities, PR unit in the police | Police men, Psychology students | Gaza, West Bank | 01/10/2003 | 01/09/2004 | $55,000 | National Endowment for Democracy |
Psychosocial Support to Stressed Children | UNRWA Schools | Children | Gaza | 01/06/2003 | 01/01/2004 | $21,000 | Medical Aid for Palestinians-UK |
Strengthening of Institutional Capacity Project | Universities | Universities students | Gaza, West Bank | 01/06/2003 | 01/06/2004 | $34,500 | Joyce-Mertz Gilmore Foundation |
Empowering Women in Understanding Legislative Process & Increasing Capacity for Political Participation | - | Women | Nablus | 01/04/2003 | 01/04/2004 | $20,400 | Federal Assistance Award- American Consulate |
Classroom-based Intervention for Psychosocial Support | Save the Children Federation | Adolescents | Gaza | 01/02/2003 | 01/01/2004 | $106,257 | USAID |
Youth Parliament Project | - | Youth | Nablus | 01/12/2002 | 01/12/2003 | $25,087 | Academy for Educational Development |
Peer Mediation | - | Schools students | Gaza | 01/12/2002 | 01/12/2003 | $ 54,965 | Academy for Educational Development |
Develop & Strengthen the Core & Program of PCHRCD | Universities | Managers and board members in the civil society institutions | Gaza | 01/10/2002 | 01/09/2003 | $55,000 | National Endowment for Democracy |
Program for Psychosocial Support in Gaza Governorate(1) | UNICEF | Children | Gaza | 01/09/2002 | 01/07/2003 | $39,110 | ECHO |
Family Service Toll-free Number | - | Families, local community | Gaza | 01/04/2002 | 01/09/2003 | $9,600 | UNICEF |
Community-based Psychosocial Support | Save the Children Federation | Children | Gaza | 01/02/2002 | 01/05/2003 | $ 99,999 | USAID |
Strengthen & Develop PCHRCD | Universities | The civil society institutions | Gaza, West Bank | 01/11/2001 | 01/10/2002 | $30,000 | Joyce-Mertz Gilmore Foundation |
Strengthen & Develop PCHRCD | Universities, PR unit in the police | Police men, universities students | Gaza, West Bank | 01/10/2001 | 01/09/2002 | $50,000 | National Endowment for Democracy |
Psychosocial Support by TV Program | - | Children | Gaza | 01/01/2001 | 01/04/2001 | $1,000 | Secretariat of National Plan of Action for Palestinian Children |
Strengthen & Develop PCHRCD | Universities | Universities students | Gaza, West Bank | 01/10/2000 | 01/09/2001 | $58,000 | National Endowment for Democracy |
Training in Conflict Resolution for Young Political Activists | - | Young, Political Activists | Gaza | 01/10/2000 | 01/10/2001 | ₤ 15,300 | Westminster Foundation for Democracy |
Promoting Tolerance, Conflict Resolution & Basic Human Rights in UNRWA Schools | - | School's students | Gaza | 01/09/2000 | 01/05/2001 | $70,000 | UNRWA |
Family Service Program | Family courts, court judges | Guides, Service providers of social issues, Families, local community | Gaza, West Bank | 01/09/2000 | 01/12/2003 | Euro 863,497 | Representative Office of Netherlands to PA |
UNRWA Peer Mediation Program | - | School's students | Gaza | 01/01/2000 | 01/11/2002 | $95,990 | UNRWA |
Peer Mediation Program in Secondary Schools | - | School's students | Gaza | 01/12/1999 | 01/12/2000 | $15,861 | Academy for Educational Development |
Develop & Strengthen PCHRCD | Universities | Universities students, managers of CBOs | Gaza, West Bank | 01/11/1999 | 01/10/2000 | $ 30,000 | Joyce-Mertz Gilmore Foundation |
Strengthen & Develop PCHRCD | Universities | Universities students, managers of CBOs | Gaza, West Bank | 01/10/1998 | 01/11/1999 | $30,000 | Joyce-Mertz Gilmore Foundation |
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